Yesterday's public holiday was on a Thursday and I booked today as leave but I am so behind so don't know whether to cancel my leave and just put my head down or keep my leave so at least I can do a number of errands without guilt between calls. Also, that waking up and having no idea which day of the week it is has me struggling.
It was so hot last night in the house and despite a cool breeze coming through nothing seemed to come in through the screen. I watched In Bruges for the first time and then a Jennifer Lawrence movie on Apple TV that creaked along and gave up after an hour. I had a cool shower and cracked open the latest Garry Disher. It wasn't my favourite and I would have decried the plot for being far fetched if it were not for that covid denier/sovereign rights shit playing out with tragic results in recent weeks. He is such a great writer and I will always read his books.
Charlie is home from his farm stay and we walked along the Foreshore this morning and met our favourite psychiatrist and border collie owner and her lovely dog who we have known for nearly a decade. It is always a calming experience talking to her. She told me she has her own dog classified as a therapy dog so she can take her to work everywhere. I love her imperfections (the dog, not the medic) - when a motorcycle when by, she has to be held as she has a camp dog predilection to despise motor cyclists and chase at their heels.