Not sure what was going on with typepad but could not log in yesterday. I keep reminding myself it is a platform at the end of life and I really need to do something with my archives before it collapses in a heap.
Yesterday was a work day and I can't recall a single thing that happened. I went to the office, it was deserted, I came home at lunchtime, I worked at my desk and then I went to the dr which was maddeningly inconclusive. She upped my medication which is tedious but I have to check in later this week to see if it makes a difference. I made dinner - Bon Appetit's sweet and spicy pork noodles which were delicious and I watched an episode of Great British Bakeoff which is not the bin fire the reviews led me to assume it was.
This morning, I happened to meet a friend while I was walking Charlie and we arranged a catch up in a couple of weeks, I made an arrangement with another friend to go and see Ottolenghi in conversation on Saturday night (could I be any more middle class?) and I checked in another friend who had surgery. Office was slightly less deserted and my boss is coming to town tomorrow which probably means a lot of people will show up being shiny and ready for the year ahead.
I had a very frustrating call with the cardiologist's rooms who gave every assistance short of any actual help and three calls to my own GP's receptionist (who was surprisingly helpful) about getting the referral sent. None of which means the cardiologist agrees to see me given he does not get back from holiday until Thursday.
I gotta figure out where to move my blog Amanda. Would hate to lose 4900+ posts.
Posted by: Kirk | Saturday, 28 January 2023 at 07:58 AM
I know, Kirk, the archives are a worry!
Posted by: amanda | Monday, 30 January 2023 at 11:59 AM